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Number of relevant news: 8

Breast screening programme effective in preventing some invasive cancers

main form of treatment is surgery followed by radiotherapy. Ongoing public debate about the harm caused by mammography screening...

Men with high oestrogen levels could be at greater risk of breast cancer

and then follow-up treatment of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. His treatment ended in September 2010. He said: “The police sometimes get a b...

Heart disease risk after breast cancer radiotherapy smaller than previously thought

disease risk after breast cancer radiotherapy smaller than previously... have for the first time calculated by how much radiotherapy for breast cancer increases the risk of heart disease and the findings can now... looked at over 2,000 women treated with radiotherapy in Denmark and Sweden. They found that the risk of radiation-related heart... cancer, radiotherapy, heart disease...

Scientists re-write rule book on breast cancer in landmark global study

cancer. And we’ve helped to improve and refine radiotherapy for breast cancer - a vital part of treatment for this disease. “These l...

Reasons for poor breast cancer management in developing countries

and poor treatment availability, especially for radiotherapy and drug treatments that are necessary for decreasing breast cancer...

Gene target may block breast cancer recurrence and boost survival

tumours more responsive to treatments such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy but not increase the side effects caused to healthy...

New molecular marker could predict if breast cancer patients need chemotherapy

combinations of surgery, hormonal therapies, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and biological therapy depending on a variety of predictive...

Cell test could predict DCIS breast cancer recurrence

(DCIS) and spare other women from unnecessary radiotherapy, according to research published in the British Journal of Cancer... could be used to predict which women will need radiotherapy after surgery to prevent their cancer coming back, and which women will be...