Breast cancer screening centres
Breast cancer screening centres
Centre | Address, city | Region | Objednací doba | Phone |
AGUR, Ltd. (Mammography Centre Pelhrimov)
Chief physician: Věra Koubová, MD Opening hours:
Osvobození 1699 393 01 Pelhřimov |
Kraj Vysočina |
005 5 dní
[as of 15th January 2025] |
+420 565 325 036 More information |
DS Diagnostic Radiology, Ltd. (Health Centre Trebic – Mammography)
Chief physician: Věra Oberreiterová, MD Opening hours:
Vltavínská 1289 674 01 Třebíč |
Kraj Vysočina |
009 9 dní
[as of 15th January 2025] |
+420 568 808 154 +420 608 907 611 More information |
EUC Mammocentrum Bilina
Chief physician: Petr Váša, MD Phone: +420 477 102 117, +420 477 102 111, +420 417 777 232, +420 477 102 179 Opening hours:
Pražská 206/95 418 01 Bílina |
Ústecký kraj |
027 27 dní
[as of 22nd January 2025] |
+420 477 102 117, +420 477 102 111 +420 417 777 232, +420 477 102 179 More information |
EUC Mammocentrum Brno
Chief physician: Jana Čerňanová, MD Phone: +420 542 210 016 Opening hours:
Rooseveltova 6 602 00 Brno |
Jihomoravský kraj |
007 7 dní
[as of 15th January 2025] |
+420 542 210 016 +420 721 660 706 More information |
EUC Mammocentrum Ceska Lipa
Chief physician: Petr Váša, MD Phone: +420 477 102 100, +420 477 102 101, +420 477 102 111, +420 487 954 399 Opening hours:
Purkyňova 1849 470 77 Česká Lípa |
Liberecký kraj |
009 9 dní
[as of 22nd January 2025] |
+420 477 102 100, +420 477 102 101, +420 477 102 111 +420 487 954 399 More information |
EUC Mammocentrum Ceske Budejovice
Chief physician: Halka Bitmanová, MD Phone: +420 389 109 909 Opening hours:
Matice školské 17 370 01 České Budějovice |
Jihočeský kraj |
050 50 dní
[as of 15th January 2025] |
+420 389 109 909 More information |
EUC Mammocentrum Kladno
Chief physician: Barbora Balíková, MD Phone: +420 312 619 127, +420 312 619 128 Opening hours:
Huťská 211 272 01 Kladno |
Středočeský kraj |
002 2 dny
[as of 15th February 2025] |
+420 312 619 127 +420 312 619 128 More information |
EUC Mammocentrum Liberec
Chief physician: Jozef Prattinger, MD Phone: +420 483 100 228 Opening hours:
Klášterní 2 460 01 Liberec |
Liberecký kraj |
025 25 dní
[as of 15th January 2025] |
+420 483 100 228 More information |
EUC Mammocentrum Olomouc
Chief physician: Lucie Hallamová, MD Phone: +420 588 000 389, +420 722 227 558 Opening hours:
Na Šibeníku 914/1 779 00 Olomouc |
Olomoucký kraj |
002 2 dny
[as of 15th January 2025] |
+420 588 000 389 +420 722 227 558 More information |
EUC Mammocentrum Ostrava
Chief physician: Jana Vymětalová, MD Phone: +420 597 437 777 Booking an appointment by e-mail: Opening hours:
Opavská 962/39 708 00 Ostrava-Poruba |
Moravskoslezský kraj |
021 21 dní
[as of 16th January 2025] |
+420 597 437 777 More information |
EUC Mammocentrum Pardubice
Chief physician: Edita Šnáblová, MD Phone: +420 466 614 420, +420 607 939 022 Opening hours:
Rokycanova 2911 530 02 Pardubice |
Pardubický kraj |
007 7 dní
[as of 15th January 2025] |
+420 466 614 420 +420 607 939 022 More information |
EUC Mammocentrum Usti nad Labem
Chief physician: Petr Váša, MD Phone: +420 477 102 100, +420 477 102 101, +420 477 102 111,, +420 477 102 179, +420 477 102 153 Booking an appointment by e-mail: Opening hours:
Masarykova 2000/92 400 01 Ústí nad Labem |
Ústecký kraj |
031 31 dní
[as of 22nd January 2025] |
+420 477 102 100, +420 477 102 101, +420 477 102 111, +420 477 102 179, +420 477 102 153 More information |
EUC Mammocentrum Zlin
Chief physician: (to be completed) Phone: +420 571 857 211 Opening hours:
třída T. Bati 5135 767 01 Zlín |
Zlínský kraj |
030 30 dní
[as of 15th January 2025] |
+420 571 857 211 More information |
University Hospital Brno – Maternity Hospital – Department of Breast Radiology
Chief physician: Iva Mihulová, MD Phone: +420 532 238 433 Opening hours:
Obilní trh 11 602 00 Brno |
Jihomoravský kraj |
001 1 den
[as of 15th February 2025] |
+420 532 238 433 More information |
University Hospital Bulovka – Department of Breast Radiology
Chief physician: Lívia Večeřová, MD Phone: +420 266 084 561 Opening hours:
Budínova 2 180 81 Praha 8 |
Hlavní město Praha |
026 26 dní
[as of 15th January 2025] |
+420 266 084 561 +420 266 084 571 More information |
University Hospital Hradec Kralove – Department of Radiology
Chief physician: Hana Urminská, MD, PhD |
Sokolská 581 500 05 Hradec Králové |
Královéhradecký kraj |
034 34 dní
[as of 21st November 2024] |
+420 495 832 118 More information |
University Hospital Kralovske Vinohrady – Department of Breast Radiology
Chief physician: Josef Bárta, MD Phone: +420 267 162 406, +420 601 130 645 Opening hours:
Šrobárova 50 100 34 Praha 10 |
Hlavní město Praha |
032 32 dní
[as of 15th February 2025] |
+420 267 162 406 +420 601 130 645 More information |
University Hospital Olomouc – Department of Breast Radiology
Chief physician: Lucia Veverková, MD, PhD Opening hours:
I. P. Pavlova 6 779 00 Olomouc |
Olomoucký kraj |
005 5 dní
[as of 15th January 2025] |
+420 588 444 736 +420 588 444 730 More information |
University Hospital Ostrava – Centre of Breast Disease Diagnosis
Chief physician: Alena Jahodová, MD Phone: +420 597 374 083 Booking an appointment by e-mail: Opening hours:
17. listopadu 1790 708 52 Ostrava-Poruba |
Moravskoslezský kraj |
028 28 dní
[as of 16th January 2025] |
+420 597 374 083 More information |
University Hospital Plzen – Lochotin – Mammography Centre
Chief physician: Miloslava Hlaváčková, MD Phone: +420 377 105 710, +420 377 105 714 Opening hours:
alej Svobody 80 304 60 Plzeň |
Plzeňský kraj |
007 7 dní
[as of 15th January 2025] |
+420 377 105 710 +420 377 105 714 More information |
Thomayer University Hospital – Department of Breast Radiology
Chief physician: László Both, MD Phone: +420 261 082 190, +420 261 084 000 Opening hours:
Vídeňská 800 140 59 Praha 4 |
Hlavní město Praha |
015 15 dní
[as of 17th January 2025] |
+420 261 082 190 +420 261 084 000 More information |
FEMMA, Ltd. – Department of Breast Radiology
Chief physician: Hana Říčková, MD Phone: +420 533 306 275, +420 725 811 525 |
Viniční 235 615 00 Brno |
Jihomoravský kraj |
021 21 dní
[as of 15th February 2025] |
+420 533 306 275 +420 725 811 525 More information |
Miners' Hospital in Karvina – Mammography
Chief physician: Šárka Kováčová, MD Opening hours:
Zakladatelská 22 735 06 Karviná |
Moravskoslezský kraj |
020 20 dní
[as of 15th February 2025] |
+420 596 380 176 More information |
Regional Medical Association, JSC – Hospital Chomutov – Department of Breast Radiology
Chief physician: Eva Mašínová, MD Opening hours:
Kochova 1185 430 12 Chomutov |
Ústecký kraj |
040 40 dní
[as of 17th January 2025] |
+420 474 447 687 More information |
Mamma centrum Hradčanská
Chief physician: Miroslava Skovajsová, MD, PhD Phone: +420 775 131 111 Opening hours:
Bubenečská 12 160 00 Praha 6 |
Hlavní město Praha |
050 50 dní
[as of 16th January 2025] |
+420 775 131 111 More information |
Mamma centrum Opatov
Chief physician: Miroslava Skovajsová, MD, PhD Phone: +420 775 131 111 Opening hours:
Líbalova 2348/1 149 00 Praha 11 |
Hlavní město Praha |
025 25 dní
[as of 16th January 2025] |
+420 775 131 111 More information |
Mamma Centrum Trutnov
Chief physician: Radek Rohlena, MD Opening hours:
Palackého 256 541 01 Trutnov |
Královéhradecký kraj |
010 10 dní
[as of 15th January 2025] |
+420 491 617 099 More information |
Mamma Centrum Benešov u Prahy
Chief physician: Lenka Plšková, MD Phone: +420 317 724 333 Opening hours:
Karla Nového 2409 256 01 Benešov |
Středočeský kraj |
005 5 dní
[as of 16th January 2025] |
+420 317 724 333 More information |
MAMMACENTRUM Olomouc, Ltd. (Mammography Olomouc)
Chief physician: Dana Houserková, MD, PhD Opening hours:
Nezvalova 987/1 779 00 Olomouc |
Olomoucký kraj |
001 1 den
[as of 15th February 2025] |
+420 731 613 485, +420 731 468 922 +420 585 204 386 More information |
Mammocentrum Klatovy
Chief physician: Miloš Chroust, MD Phone: +420 376 315 554, +420 724 122 034 Opening hours:
Nerudova 607 339 01 Klatovy |
Plzeňský kraj |
012 12 dní
[as of 15th February 2025] |
+420 376 315 554 +420 724 122 034 More information |
Mammocentrum Novy Jicin
Chief physician: Borek Frydrych, MD Opening hours:
Dvořákova 27 741 01 Nový Jičín |
Moravskoslezský kraj |
055 55 dní
[as of 17th December 2024] |
+420 800 266 666 More information |
Mammocentrum Vsetin
Chief physician: Pavla Opělová, MD Opening hours:
Nemocniční 945 755 01 Vsetín |
Zlínský kraj |
060 60 dní
[as of 17th December 2024] |
+420 800 266 666 More information |
Breast Diagnostic Centre Beroun (Radiodiagnostika, Ltd.)
Chief physician: Kateřina Brousilová, MD Phone: +420 607 502 846, +420 311 612 162 Opening hours:
Pod Kaplankou 1888 266 01 Beroun |
Středočeský kraj |
007 7 dní
[as of 15th January 2025] |
+420 607 502 846 +420 311 612 162 More information |
Breast Diagnostic Centre Waltrovka (Radiodiagnostika, Ltd.)
Chief physician: Lucie Jansta Pieranová, MD, MBA Phone: +420 226 200 152 Opening hours:
Walterovo náměstí 329/2 158 00 Praha 5 |
Hlavní město Praha |
002 2 dny
[as of 15th November 2024] |
+420 792 316 750, +420 792 316 758 +420 226 200 152 More information |
Department of Breast Radiology, Krnov
Chief physician: Ivo Šenkyřík, MD Phone: +420 554 690 325Opening hours:
separate unit of the Silesian Hospital in Opava |
I. P. Pavlova 552/9 794 01 Krnov |
Moravskoslezský kraj |
050 50 dní
[as of 15th November 2021] |
+420 554 690 325 More information |
Mammography HB, Ltd (Mammography Havlickuv Brod)
Chief physician: Magdaléna Dobiášová, MD Opening hours:
Vrabčí trh 187 580 01 Havlíčkův Brod |
Kraj Vysočina |
008 8 dní
[as of 20th January 2025] |
+420 569 429 733 More information |
Mammology and ultrasonography Ltd. (Mammography Hradec Kralove)
Chief physician: Miluše Paikertová, MD Opening hours:
Františka Halase 1050/7 500 09 Hradec Králové |
Královéhradecký kraj |
005 5 dní
[as of 16th January 2025] |
+420 739 525 219 More information |
Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute – Department of Radiology
Chief physician: Monika Schneiderová, MD Opening hours:
Žlutý kopec 7 656 53 Brno |
Jihomoravský kraj |
016 16 dní
[as of 16th January 2025] |
+420 844 844 885 +420 543 136 010 More information |
MEDIAG PB, Ltd. (Health Centre Karlovy Vary – Mammography)
Chief physician: Radek Beran, MD Phone: +420 353 112 226 Opening hours:
nám. Dr. M. Horákové 8 360 01 Karlovy Vary |
Karlovarský kraj |
050 50 dní
[as of 15th January 2025] |
+420 353 112 226 More information |
Medicon services Ltd. – Mammacentrum Budejovicka
Chief physician: Alena Bílková, MD, PhD Phone: +420 242 242 000 Opening hours:
Antala Staška 1670/80 140 00 Praha 4 |
Hlavní město Praha |
007 7 dní
[as of 15th January 2025] |
+420 242 242 000 More information |
Medicon Services Ltd. – Mammacentrum Vysocany
Chief physician: Alena Bílková, MD, PhD Phone: +420 242 242 222 Opening hours:
Sokolovská 304 190 00 Praha 9 |
Hlavní město Praha |
013 13 dní
[as of 15th January 2025] |
+420 242 242 222 More information |
MEDICOOP, Ltd. (Mammography Kromeriz)
Chief physician: Jiří Vodák, MD Opening hours:
nám. Míru 3760/11 767 01 Kroměříž |
Zlínský kraj |
003 3 dny
[as of 15th February 2025] |
+420 774 725 134 More information |
Mediray, Ltd. (Mammography Centre Plzen)
Chief physician: Petr Choc, MD Opening hours:
Denisovo nábřeží 4 301 49 Plzeň |
Plzeňský kraj |
029 29 dní
[as of 15th January 2025] |
+420 378 218 469 +420 377 220 462 More information |
Hospital Agel Ostrava-Vitkovice, JSC – Department of Diagnostic Radiology
Chief physician: Yveta Trundová Lenertová, MD Phone: +420 595 633 475 Opening hours:
Zalužanského 1192/15 703 84 Ostrava-Vítkovice |
Moravskoslezský kraj |
007 7 dní
[as of 21st January 2025] |
+420 595 633 475 +420 595 633 488 More information |
Hospital Blansko – Department of Diagnostic Radiology
Chief physician: Andrea Trunkátová, MD Phone: +420 800 149 485 Opening hours:
Sadová 33 678 31 Blansko |
Jihomoravský kraj |
001 1 den
[as of 15th January 2025] |
+420 800 149 485 +420 516 488 111 More information |
Hospital Hranice – Centre of Breast Disease Diagnosis
Chief physician: Daniel Bartík, MD Booking an appointment by e-mail: Opening hours:
Dr. Skaláka 14 750 02 Přerov |
Olomoucký kraj |
004 4 dny
[as of 15th February 2025] |
+420 581 204 830 +420 800 900 885 More information |
Jablonec nad Nisou Hospital – Department of Breast Radiology
Chief physician: Miloš Rejmont, MD Opening hours:
Nemocniční 15 466 01 Jablonec nad Nisou |
Liberecký kraj |
030 30 dní
[as of 16th January 2025] |
+420 483 345 854 +420 483 345 866 More information |
Hospital Jihlava – Mammography
Chief physician: Lukáš Jenis, MD Phone: +420 567 157 602, +420 567 157 288 Opening hours:
Vrchlického 59 596 01 Jihlava |
Kraj Vysočina |
030 30 dní
[as of 15th January 2025] |
+420 567 157 602 +420 567 157 288 More information |
Hospital Kyjov – Mammography
Chief physician: Eva Píšťková, MD Opening hours:
Strážovská 1247 697 01 Kyjov |
Jihomoravský kraj |
030 30 dní
[as of 15th February 2025] |
+420 518 601 584 More information |
Hospital Na Homolce – Department of Diagnostic Radiology
Chief physician: Eva Abtová, MD Phone: +420 257 272 516, +420 800 664 734 Opening hours:
Roentgenova 2 150 30 Praha 5 |
Hlavní město Praha |
014 14 dní
[as of 15th September 2023] |
+420 257 272 516 +420 800 664 734 More information |
Hospital Nove Mesto na Morave – Department of Radiology
Chief physician: Irena Hladká, MD Opening hours:
Žďárská 610 592 31 Nové Město na Moravě |
Kraj Vysočina |
010 10 dní
[as of 15th January 2025] |
+420 566 801 461 More information |
Hospital Litomysl, JSC – Mammography Svitavy
Chief physician: Markéta Nováková, MD Opening hours:
Kollárova 22 568 02 Svitavy |
Pardubický kraj |
035 35 dní
[as of 15th January 2025] |
+420 461 569 741 +420 601 212 948 More information |
Hospital Pisek – Department of Breast Radiology – Mammography
Chief physician: Jiří Holan, MD, MBA Opening hours:
Karla Čapka 589 397 23 Písek |
Jihočeský kraj |
014 14 dní
[as of 15th January 2025] |
+420 382 772 401 More information |
Hospital Prostejov – Mammography Centre
Chief physician: Lucie Krpcová, MD Opening hours:
Mathonova 1 796 04 Prostějov |
Olomoucký kraj |
014 14 dní
[as of 15th February 2025] |
+420 582 315 302 More information |
Hospital Sokolov – Department of Diagnostic Radiology
Chief physician: Gabriela Šteinfeldová, MD Opening hours:
Slovenská 545 356 01 Sokolov |
Karlovarský kraj |
030 30 dní
[as of 19th November 2024] |
+420 352 520 101 More information |
Hospital Sumperk – Department of Diagnostic Radiology
Chief physician: Alena Dočkalová, MD Phone: +420 583 333 560 (mamografie), +420 583 333 558 (sonografie) Opening hours:
Phone appointments:
Nerudova 41 787 52 Šumperk |
Olomoucký kraj |
050 50 dní
[as of 15th January 2025] |
+420 583 333 560 (mamografie) +420 583 333 558 (sonografie) More information |
Hospital Znojmo – Department of Radiology and Imaging Methods
Chief physician: František Podzimek, MD |
MUDr. Jana Janského 11 669 02 Znojmo |
Jihomoravský kraj |
021 21 dní
[as of 15th January 2025] |
+420 515 215 149 More information |
District Hospital Kolin – Mammography Centre
Chief physician: Pavla Vančurová, MD Phone: +420 321 756 254 Opening hours:
Žižkova 146 280 20 Kolín |
Středočeský kraj |
027 27 dní
[as of 15th January 2025] |
+420 321 756 254 More information |
District Hospital Mlada Boleslav – Department of Diagnostic Radiology – Mammography Centre
Chief physician: Lenka Převrátilová, MD Opening hours:
třída Václava Klementa 147 293 01 Mladá Boleslav |
Středočeský kraj |
030 30 dní
[as of 22nd January 2025] |
+420 326 742 208 More information |
District Hospital Nachod – Mammography
Chief physician: Monika Dvořáková, MD Opening hours:
Purkyňova 446 547 01 Náchod |
Královéhradecký kraj |
014 14 dní
[as of 15th January 2025] |
+420 491 601 375 More information |
Health Centre Breclav – Mammography Centre
Chief physician: Monika Petrjanošová, MD Phone: +420 519 303 258 Opening hours:
Bří. Mrštíků 2708/38 690 02 Břeclav |
Jihomoravský kraj |
028 28 dní
[as of 15th January 2025] |
+420 519 303 258 +420 519 303 259 More information |
Health Centre Mistek – Department of Diagnostic Radiology
Chief physician: Marie Bučková, MD Opening hours:
8. pěšího pluku 85 738 01 Frýdek-Místek |
Moravskoslezský kraj |
049 49 dní
[as of 15th January 2025] |
+420 558 900 243 +420 558 900 242 More information |
Health Centre Tachov – Mammography
Chief physician: Miloslava Hlaváčková, MD Opening hours:
Václavská 1560 347 01 Tachov |
Plzeňský kraj |
003 3 dny
[as of 15th January 2025] |
+420 374 718 222 +420 374 718 226 More information |
PRIVAMED, JSC – Mammography Centre
Chief physician: Marcela Pěchotová, MD Opening hours:
Kotíkovská 917/17 323 00 Plzeň |
Plzeňský kraj |
010 10 dní
[as of 15th January 2025] |
+420 377 182 414, +420 377 182 415 +420 800 023 080 More information |
First Czech Medical Society, Ltd. – Mamma Centrum Zahradni Mesto
Chief physician: Lenka Šebelová, MD Phone: +420 272 653 884 Opening hours:
Chmelová 3312/6a 106 00 Praha 10 |
Hlavní město Praha |
007 7 dní
[as of 15th January 2025] |
+420 272 653 884 More information |
RDG Centrum, Ltd. – Mammography Rychnov nad Kneznou
Chief physician: Milan Čižinský, MD Opening hours:
Jiráskova 1389 516 01 Rychnov nad Kněžnou |
Královéhradecký kraj |
003 3 dny
[as of 15th February 2025] |
+420 494 502 650 More information |
RENTGEN, Ltd. (Mammography Centre Usti nad Orlici)
Chief physician: Zdeňka Svobodová, MD Opening hours:
Dělnická 1391 562 01 Ústí nad Orlicí |
Pardubický kraj |
020 20 dní
[as of 15th January 2025] |
+420 465 526 081 +420 465 524 117 More information |
RTG - U, Ltd. (Health Centre Jicin – Mammography)
Chief physician: Zdena Šustková, MD Opening hours:
Jungmannova 54 506 01 Jičín |
Královéhradecký kraj |
025 25 dní
[as of 15th January 2025] |
+420 493 588 232 More information |
Silesia Medical – Breast Disease Centre
Chief physician: Radomír Ichnovský, MD Opening hours:
Havanská 6145/4a 708 00 Ostrava-Poruba |
Moravskoslezský kraj |
014 14 dní
[as of 15th February 2025] |
+420 596 910 378 +420 596 910 551, +420 733 534 437 More information |
Silesian Hospital in Opava – Department of Radiology
Chief physician: Kamil Hudeczek, MD Opening hours:
Olomoucká 86 746 01 Opava |
Moravskoslezský kraj |
030 30 dní
[as of 15th January 2025] |
+420 553 766 477 +420 553 766 463 More information |
Hospital Uherske Hradiste – Department of Breast Radiology
Chief physician: Libuše Nabitá, MD Opening hours:
J. E. Purkyně 365 686 68 Uherské Hradiště |
Zlínský kraj |
032 32 dní
[as of 15th January 2025] |
+420 572 529 787 +420 572 529 782 More information |
General University Hospital in Prague – Polak Breast Diagnostic Centre
Chief physician: Jana Červenková, MD Phone: +420 224 966 344 Opening hours:
Karlovo nám. 33 121 11 Praha 2 |
Hlavní město Praha |
020 20 dní
[as of 15th February 2025] |
+420 224 966 344 More information |
WF Hospital, Ltd. (Health Centre Decin – Mammography Centre)
Chief physician: Luděk Tyle, MD Phone: +420 412 151 900, +420 412 151 901 Opening hours:
Myslbekova 5 405 02 Děčín |
Ústecký kraj |
005 5 dní
[as of 15th January 2025] |
+420 412 151 900, +420 412 151 901 +420 412 151 915 More information |
If you find any invalid or incomplete information, please send an e-mail to: